Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thing to Look for When checking if your dog is Healthy or Unhealthy!

Thing to Look for When checking if your dog is Healthy or Unhealthy!
Healthy dogs have bright clear eyes with no signs of weeping. Unhealthy dogs have cloudy or weepy eyes which could indicate blindness. Healthy dogs have quiet and even strokes when breathing, Unhealthy dogs will wheeze, cough and sneeze. Healthy dog’s ears will be clean with no smell, Unhealthy dog's ears will be dirty and\or smelly. Healthy dogs spine should be straight where as an unhealthy dog will have lots of bumps in its spinal cord . A healthy dog’s nose will have no scabs or lots of discharge, an unhealthy dogs nose will have a thick and cloudy discharge coming from the nose, with scabs. Also a healthy dogs nose will be moist, an unhealthy dogs nose will be very dry. A healthy dogs gums will be a pinkish color; where as an unhealthy dogs gums will be a pale white color or bright red, along with tar on them.